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Questions tagged [tags]

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Merge [rest] into [rest-api]

rest-api: 1,078 tagged questions Magento REST API defines a set of functions that a developer can use to perform requests and receive responses. These interactions are performed using the HTTP ...
bfontaine's user avatar
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only Tag edits in questiosn

can any mod send message to this user if he wants to add tag edits only he can do after 2K reputation
Murtuza Zabuawala's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the difference between the [debug] and [debugging] tags?

The Magento.SE site has these two tags: debug debugging Neither have usage guidance. Is there a difference between the two? If so, let me know what the differences are and I'll add it to the usage ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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2 votes
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Merge wrongly spelled [thumbail] tag into [thumbnail]

There's a tag thumbail which is obviously a misspelling of thumbnail. Can one of the ♦ moderators merge the tags? Alternatively, since it's only five questions, can somebody with edit privileges ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Tags: How to get the list of my created tags till now

I just wanted to know that is there any way to get and view the list of my created tags during asking and editing questions. There is tag option in site which list all the tags but I am looking for ...
Muhammad Hasham's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to write XML Code in Blockquote

I am writing meta tags in blockquote but it is not displaying. Can anyone help?
Ashish Viradiya's user avatar
2 votes
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Tag added each questions

Today I have checked some user added "magento-1" tag in all Magento 1 related question. I have little confusion for further approval this type of edit. In Magento stack exchange lot of Magento 1 ...
Rama Chandran M's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Vendor names as tags?

How to deal with tags the are related to a extension developing companies? Some used ... iwdsagepayalgoliafishpigm2em2epro I'd only agree with M2E tags because this is a very unique extension that ...
sv3n's user avatar
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Magento 2 EE rebrands to Magento Commerce. Tag rename?

At Magento Live UK, a rebranding has been announced: for Magento 2 there will be no more Magento Enterprise Edition, it's just Magento Commerce (likewise, Magento Community Edition becomes Magento ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Wrong results/pagination when ignoring tags

Steps to reproduce: add some ignore tags (for me all Magento 2 related) go to unanswered section set X per page Expected: show X per page Currently: it shows X minus ignored questions (2 instead ...
sv3n's user avatar
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Synonym request: 3rd-party-modules => extensions (mod action required)

The tag extensions already has a synonym third-party-module and I tried to add 3rd-party-modules as well. Unfortunately this results in an error message: Version specific synonyms can only be ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Correct spelling in [shippment-tracking] tag

The tag shippment-tracking is quite popular (61 questions at the time of writing), but it seems to have been created by a user without spelling checker. Could one of the ♦ moderators correct ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
5 votes
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Reviewers: Please do not approve irrelevant version tags

At least one user is currently suggesting to add the magento-1.9 tag to many questions, some of them even older than Magento 1.9. Please don't blindly accept those! Adding missing version tags makes ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Tag synonym "301-redirect" -> "redirect"

I was just going through the various "rewrite" and "redirect" tag variations to get them in order and found that it is not possible to suggest a tag synonym for 301-redirect to redirect. ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Worried thing about Magento version at current Question

From last few days,i have observing user did not mention magento version in his/her questions. That make difficult to answer those question Example: REST API - categories by store view code Why is ...
Amit Bera's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Magento 2 questions tagged beta, alpha, pre-alpha etc. - quo vadis?

There are lots of Magento 2 questions from the pre-release era and I was wondering what to do with them. Many technical details have changed since then and nobody uses these versions anymore, so the ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do people read the tag information before creating a question?

As some of you may have noticed, over the last weeks I have been creating/updating the tags on the website. I noticed that most of the time people don't seem to check the tag information when they ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Request for MageStackDay IV: Tag Cleanup

Hi, it's me, the tag janitor. As the next MageStackDay is coming, I'd love to see a new section next to voting, answering and closing: tag cleanup. IMHO the site has a problem with overspecific and ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Usage of the magento-1 tag if no version is specified in question

Since Magento 2 is out a great number of new questions is about Magento 2 and we need a way to distinguish general Magento 1 questions from general Magento 2 questions (as already discussed in Magento ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should tags be added for each security patch, such as supee-6788?

It seems reasonable to have tags for each security patch, but it doesn't look like they've been used so far. Any objections to tagging patch-specific questions with a tag like supee-6788?
STW's user avatar
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Magento version tag spamming / General "Magento 1" questions

I am recently seeing an increased amount of questions tagged like magento-1.7, magento-1.8, magento-1.9. (all of them!) These questions fall into two categories: Questions that specify the actually ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to deal with generic and ambiguous tags

As the list of tags is growing and growing, lots of (IMHO) relatively meaningless tags are popping up and as soon as they are there, will get adopted by new users because they appear in autocompletion....
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Should we introduce a "non-developer" tag?

We clearly get more questions of merchants and other non-developers, but its not clear for everyone which could cause some questions to get closed. To improve this situation, and offer a way to have ...
Flyingmana's user avatar
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4 answers

ReTagging Questions

I have a few questions regarding changing tags from "magento-1.7" to "ce-" Should we always do it for new questions? - I guess the answer here is yes, Should we do it for old questions or at ...
David Manners's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How should we manage magento versions?

Currently there are some tags ce-1.7, ce-1.7.22, ee-1.12 and so on. I think it would make sense to limit this to the second-point releases as the last-point releases (such as usually do not ...
Alex's user avatar
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Does magento-1 tag make any sense? [duplicate]

Does magento-1 tag make any sense? Would it be better to use ce-x.x.x.x and ee-x.x.x.x instead? This can avoid further clarification requests.
Tim Bezhashvyly's user avatar