Currently there are some tags ce-1.7, ce-1.7.22, ee-1.12 and so on.
I think it would make sense to limit this to the second-point releases as the last-point releases (such as usually do not change so much.
I think tagging is good, and why not have a tag for ce- and one for ce-1.7 and if you use just use both :)
tag people will ask you for a clarification. because different versions of 1.3.x.x (and 1.4.x.x also) have significant changes.
Feb 21, 2013 at 14:35
I personally prefer to have a full version in a tag. It removes any additional questions for a version clarification.
I'd go with only the edition (community or enterprise) and then only the first 2 values of the release.
i.e. ce-1.7
@Tim has a point in 1.3.x.x and 1.4.x.x but those are only exceptions to the general rule.
And I don't dare say those are obsolete versions but they are becoming rarer
or 1.4.3
or whatever it was when the magento-verse passed too close to a dwarf star and altered course forever. 1.7
is 1.7
and that's about all that's needed since 1.5
. A better tag would be to highlight BIG and dangerous changes between versions; major or minor.