I'm just curious if anyone actually over looks the quality of the "review" tab. I recently started to contribute and have noticed that there are others that regularly contribute, but are doing so at a lightning fast pace.
I have a doubt that it is actually being done properly, in fact I've come across a few "new posts" that had spelling mistakes or formatting issues, while they were minor it makes me wonder.
Also, having been a victim of a question being incorrectly closed myself - the same people appear to be blindly voting. When I raised the fact it shouldn't have been closed here, it was voted to be re-opened. I've voted to keep some questions opened that were borderline, even went as far to edit them to salvage it but they were ultimately closed and my edit rejected?
I'm thinking that the review section has created a culture of blindly reviewing posts, edits, votes in efforts to just rack up points without merit.
I don't think I'm completely wrong on this, I've seen it a few times already. I don't believe everyone is to blame here, but you cannot tell me that with the speed the queues are being cleared that there is actually any quality to the work being put in.
After having witnessed yet another closing to a question that I voted to keep opened (new user, the post could have been edited and there was an answer) I am proposing the following:
- Limits per MONTH on how many times a person can vote
Note: This will force people to read more carefully and fully consider the questions they vote to close.
- Lower the current limit of how many times a person can vote per DAY
Note: Again will prevent blind voting and allow questions to stay open long enough for someone to answer or properly edit the question.
- Set a time delay after 3 consecutive reviews by the same person with "No Action Needed"
Note: This will address the many "new user" posts or "first answer" posts that I've seen that require obvious adjustments that are just not implemented.
I think the above is a good start to a) allow more members to contribute b) allowing questions to remain open for a reasonable amount of time c) prevent people from blindly clearing the queues.
Can a moderator please have a look at the user Keyul Shah
He is not reviewing new posts properly - most of them are "No Action Needed" but clearly need editing. Some have been subsequently edited, some posts have obvious formatting issues example: Magento. Extremely low First Byte and load time