Out of curiosity, I searched for "what is a configurable product?" There are a number of answers, of course, that deal with them in specific ways, and I didn't search through all the answers, but nothing jumped out at me.
There are a number of really case-specific type questions that someone new to Magento might ask, but there are so many that are not seeing the big picture and they should be asking a different question. I've seen a number of questions lately that are easily answered by a quick Google/SE search using the right phrases. Nobody wants to have all that clutter of questions that have no long-term value, yet it sometimes feels like I shouldn't bother to answer since the question they asked would need to be rephrased in order to make it valuable.
As a developer, I understand the obligation to provide users with a place to go to answer their questions, I just think that some of the basic questions are never asked in the right manner. Fairly soon I will likely be pointing some of my own users here as a way to answer their questions, but I think ultimately users need to treat SE appropriately and take five minutes to research their problem accurately.