I just reviewed one posts for low-quality posts section.
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Please check once before reviewing.
I just reviewed one posts for low-quality posts section.
Here, You can observe the quality and observation of reviewing.
Please check once before reviewing.
It seems that Manoj does NOT read the question properly. This answer should be deleted. I see, it is deleted now and right action take by the community member.
StackExchange gives us the authority to review all questions and answer content and take action accordingly and it is an honor for all user who has this authority. So request to all user to read the content of every Q&A the post before taking any action during the review.
I hope that all user will take care of his/her action during the review of Q&A and will give more time on reviewing t.
Also, for Teja I don't think about this issue, you need to create a question to Meta where the right action taken by the community member. You already have the privilege to recommend deletion of an answer and also you can create a flag on content, so I don't feel create a question for this issue is worthful.