It happens really often that questions are closed because broadness/unclarity, but its not correct in many cases ... example ...
Another example from last days is: Magento 2 Bottle Deposit Extension
This was very clear for me from the first post (a know bottle deposit here in germany ;)), but "Sukumar Gorai" flagged it as unclear b/c he had no clue what was meant.
The question was edited (after first or second "close" flag), so that everybody could understand what he was asking for, but it seems to be closed w/o further reading.
I had complete code to share, but I'm not able to ...
- really check if edits were made since 1st vote
- if you disagree to close votes ... leave a comment for other reviewers
Btw ... to close 5 votes are required, what happens if 4 vote to leave open? Is it closed on 5th vote or does it require 4 other votes to close?