Per the direction of Mosses Akizian, I have just sent the following email to [email protected], with cc to Mosses and to Vinai Kopp:
To whom it may concern:
I am a two year veteran of Magento U developer training, working under
Vinai Kopp, Beth Gomez, and Susie Sedlacek. I am also a moderator pro
tempore of the Magento-specific StackExchange site located at This site is a community-driven
question and answer forum for asking and solving application and
development questions regarding Magento.
Recently a question was asked
(Enterprise Edition Code in Examples)
in the meta section of the site regarding the inclusion of Enterprise
Edition code in the body of questions or answers. While the community
has a sense that (unnecessarily) including vast sections of EE code
should not be allowed, there is a question as to how much code would
be acceptable.
I/we believe it is in the best interest of eBay to allow for the fair
and reasonable inclusion of a few relevant lines of restricted-license
code on the rare occasion when the need arises. We the community would
appreciate some guidance on this issue, and we the moderators will
gladly edit posts as appropriate should those posts include an
excessive and unnecessary amount of restricted-license code.
Please feel free to reply to me directly or to respond to the question
which I have linked in the body of this email
Kind regards, Ben Marks